Dog Grooming Services

What does Force Free Grooming mean?

It means Nanda grooms at her residence and only by appointment. This is done in order to provide the most stress free grooming environment possible - where your pup(s) receive one-on-one attention while being groomed from beginning to end.  Additionally, we DO NOT use muzzles or wild restraining holds, we love all dogs BUT we also understand that some of our furry friends may require more effort than others when it comes to grooming time, on cases such as this, Nanda will be happy to indicate another groomer who may be a better fit.

 - Earn $5 OFF your pups' first visit!

- It's easy! Just download, print & fill out the New Client Grooming Paperwork and bring it with you to your pup's grooming appointment.

Booking your Appointment - no walk-ins

Grooming is offered: Monday - Saturday mornings (depending on availability)

Appointments are limited, we encourage you to book yours in advance

- Pick-up and Drop-off times are enforced - groomer will contact owner 15 minutes prior finishing groom (if more time is required for groom, groomer will inform owner at that time)

  - a fee of $15 will be charged for every half hour a dog is not picked-up past quoted time, we ask that everyone please be courteous and respect other clients groom time as you would want them to respect yours. - we are not a day care

- Proof of vaccination (Rabies/Distemper) must be presented at first visit & All dogs must be on Flea/Tick preventative - Flea infested pets will be turned away

Aggression - any aggressive or unruly behavior displayed will result in termination of grooming at which time groomer will contact owner. Our safety and that of your pet comes first.

Heavily matted dogs - require additional grooming services and will be billed accordingly - if condition is beyond what Nanda is able to help, Nanda's Walking Paws groomer will indicate an appropriate groomer. If it is going to be painful for the pet, we do not do it.
De-matting certain coats is not only just cruel it can also be dangerous.

Please take a moment to read Nanda's Walking Paws Policy

  • Touch - Up Groom

    Sanitary Trim
    By appointment - Private - One-on-One up to 40lbs Natural Shampooing & Conditioning, Ear cleaning & nail trim, Blow dry & Sanitary clean up (face, paws & private parts) Price may vary, based on weight, age & condition of fur
  • By appointment - Private - One-on-One up to 40lbs Natural Shampooing & Conditioning, Ear cleaning & nail trim, Blow dry & Full body trim/cut Price may vary, based on weight, age & condition of fur
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